Proud member of the Peterborough Ontario Health Team.
With an aging population, demand for our programs and services is on the rise which presents an equal need for volunteers.
We have many flexible options throughout the City and County of Peterborough that can fit your schedule, whether it is once a week or once a month. Our volunteering opportunities give you a chance to make a real difference in the life of seniors or adults with disabilities in your community.
"What do I love about volunteering with Community Care?" said a volunteer. "The relationships that have been created. The feeling that I get doing something of value for another person that I did not know before."
If you have some time to give, please fill out the below volunteer application form, and a staff member will contact you.
I completed my application, what's next?
In order for us to provide high-quality services, and to ensure the safety of our clients, volunteer screening requirements must be successfully completed. Our staff member will guide you through the following:
Thank you for considering joining our team.
Featured Volunteer Role - Office Volunteers
Featured here is Terri, a member of the Lakefield office volunteer team since 2015.
Providing office support and/or reception is an exciting way to positively impact the lives of our clients, their families and the community. As an integral part of our team, you will respond to a variety of inquiries, and requests for services and offer assistance to fellow volunteers. You will enhance your clerical and communication skills while understanding the incredible home support offered by Community Care. This role is great for individuals who enjoy working on the computer and answering phone calls.
Get Started With Your New Adventure Today!
Wondering How to Spend Your Free Time in the New Year? Why Not Become A Volunteer Driver?
We are in need of volunteer drivers who are willing to transport our clients to medical appointments or social and recreational activities within the City and County of Peterborough and to destinations in the nearby towns and cities.
The volunteer driver commitment involves picking up a client and dropping them off at their appointment or activity and then later, picking up the same client and returning them to their home. Volunteer drivers receive some reimbursement which is paid to them by the client to help offset the cost of gas and wear and tear on their vehicle.
Volunteer drivers can choose to drive clients in town or they can take them longer distances to appointments in Toronto, Oshawa and Kingston.
Meet Bill
Bill has been a Volunteer Driver with CCP’s Chemung office serving Ennismore, Bridgenorth and western Selwyn Township for approximately 4 years. Bill wanted to stay active and become more involved in the community, so when another volunteer suggested the idea of being a driver, he jumped at the chance to join this local team. Bill enjoys meeting new people and says he had made a lot of friends through his volunteer driving.
Our clients have told us how much they enjoy Bill’s company and love it when he decorates his car for the various holiday seasons.
Can you spare a few hours to help people in your own community?
Volunteer Opportunities
Telephone Reassurance Caller
Provide a telephone call for reassurance of the client’s well-being.
Office Support
Assist with the day-to-day operation of the office.
New To You - Thrift Store
Assist with sales in the New to You store. New to You stores are located in our Apsley, Chemung, Havelock and Millbrook Offices.
Blood Pressure Clinic
Check and monitor clients’ blood pressure.
Diner's Club
Assist the diner’s club convenor.
Foot Clinic
Provide reception and clinical support.
Assist with fundraising activities.
Meals On Wheels
To deliver meals
Grocery Shopping
To shop for and deliver groceries
Volunteer Driver
To provide transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other activities associated with independent living.
Friendly Visitors
Provide social interaction in person or by phone.