Proud member of the Peterborough Ontario Health Team.
B E A G. E. M.
G I V E. E V E R Y. M O N T H.
With $10 a month, or $120 a year
You can provide 12 nutritional meals to a local senior who needs helps to remain healthy in their own home.
With $25 a month, or $300 a year
You can help 25 seniors keep their balance with our falls prevention classes
You can subsidize 50 personal distress alarms for seniors, giving their caregivers peace of mind.
By making a commitment of any amount per month, you will make a real difference!
Our monthly giving program is easy and convenient.
Simply click the blue make it last donate button below and complete our secure online form with Canada Helps. Your monthly gift amount will be processed automatically each month for you—until you tell them to make a change.
I Prefer To Become a G.E.M. Offline
We can set up your monthly donation on a credit card or as a pre-authorized bank debit that we process manually.
Credit Card Donations
Please call Alicia - Donor Relations and Communications Lead and she will take your credit card information over the phone for you. Call her at (705)775-3083 extension 224.
Pre-Authorized Debit Donations
Linked below is our manual processing pre-authorized debit form
This debit will occur on the 1st Business Day of each month
You may revoke your authorization at any time provided written notice is received within 15 days before
the next scheduled PAD.
Send form by mail, fax or email using the instructions at the bottom of the form.
For more information about monthly giving contact Alicia, Donor Relations and Communications Lead at (705)775-3083, ext. 224 or email her through this link.