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Grandparent of the Year

Grandparent of the Year 2025

For the past 37 years, Community Care has encouraged children to recognize a Grandparent, Elder, or a special older person in their life as "Grandparent of the Year." Every year we are amazed by the stories we receive from children in grade 1 through grade 6.

Our Title Sponsor of Grandparent of the Year 2025 is The Gardens of Peterborough.

Over the years, many of the honorees have indeed been grandparents or great grandparents of the students; however, there have been a number of entries that highlight a special senior friend or an Elder who has shared their knowledge with the child.

We accept entries in both English and French. A committee selected one winner and one honourable mention from each group of grades; primary and junior, in both English and French categories. Primary is Grades 1, 2 & 3. Junior is Grades 4, 5, & 6.

All entries must be received by May 6, 2025.

English Application

French Application

submit by mail/drop-off, email, or submit online:

Online Submission

Community Care will present eight awards, with four winners and four honourable mentions awarded across two categories of Primary (grades 1 – 3) and Junior (grades 4 – 6). The awards ceremony will take place in early June.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Pamela Beauchamp, Community Care Peterborough



Thank you to our Title Sponsor of the 2025 Grandparent of the Year: