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Community Care Peterborough Receives 100% Rating from FOCUS Accreditation
June 27th, 2024

Community Care Peterborough (CCP) has achieved a four year re-accreditation award from FOCUS Accreditation from June 2024 to June 2028. Not only did the organization receive a re-accreditation status, but Community Care Peterborough also received a 100% rating and is the first organization to accomplish this achievement with the FOCUS 2023 Standards. This recognition signifies CCP’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the human services sector.

Community Care Peterborough, through a network of community offices throughout the city and county of Peterborough, staff and volunteers provide a variety of essential services to seniors and adults with physical challenges empowering them to live at home.

Community Care Peterborough received its first four-year accreditation in 2019 using the 2014 FOCUS Accreditation Standards. This is the organization’s second FOCUS Accreditation validation.

Accreditation is a rigorous process that involves a comprehensive review of an organization’s operations, programs and services and performance against established benchmarks. CCP not only successfully met these standards, but they also exceeded many of the standards by demonstrating an outstanding dedication to quality and continuous improvement.

FOCUS Accreditation evaluated various aspects of CCP’s operations, programs and services. The re-accreditation status is a testament to CCP’s commitment to providing exceptional services and ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of its stakeholders.

“We are most honored of this outstanding achievement,” said Danielle Belair, CEO at Community Care Peterborough. “Receiving a rating of 100%, and exceeding many of the standards, signifies our commitment to excellence and continuous quality improvement. This was truly a team effort, and we are so proud of our staff and volunteers, and the dedication they have demonstrated in providing the best possible care to our clients.”

Community Care Peterborough joins an elite group of organizations that have demonstrated their commitment to excellence. This re-accreditation status serves as a mark of distinction, assuring CCP’s clients, employees, partners, and the community that they can trust in the organization’s quality and professionalism.

For CCP this achievement is not just a recognition; it is a reflection of the organization’s ongoing dedication to delivering outstanding programs and services. Accreditation provides a foundation for future growth and development, setting a benchmark for CCP to continually raise its standards.

Cheryl Whiteman, Executive Director of FOCUS Accreditation, commended CCP for its exceptional dedication to undergoing evaluation by a third party. She noted that out of 109 validations conducted by FOCUS, only four received a perfect score of 100%. This represents just 3.6% of all validations, highlighting the rarity of such an outstanding rating. Whiteman also underscored that CCP attained this level of distinction even amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As one stakeholder shared, CCP has built a solid foundation to deliver their programs through continuous review of their strategic plan, policies/procedures, and organizational structure, which includes staff and dedicated volunteers. CCP is client-focused and professional, with a proven track record evidenced by client testimonials and fundraising support.

Whiteman expressed gratitude to CCP for being leaders in the accreditation world, spearheading accreditation commitment in the Community Support Services sector and demonstrating to other organizations the significant benefits of accreditation. By undergoing such a rigorous process, CCP signals to stakeholders their openness and transparency, as well as their commitment to maintaining high standards in their operations, programs, and services. This commitment assures all stakeholders that CCP is dedicated to operating at the highest level of excellence.

For more information about Community Care Peterborough’s programs and services call (705)742-7067 or visit

About FOCUS Accreditation

FOCUS is a non-profit accreditation agency for community service organizations. Created in Ontario, Canada, by the very people who use and work in these services, FOCUS reflects the culture and expectations of community service organizations in Canada.

 FOCUS accredits the whole organization, not just select programs within.  The standards reflect best practice in the way programs and services are provided as well as the effectiveness of how the organization operates.  An organization that meets FOCUS’ standards can be viewed as an organization that focuses on the people it serves, and on high quality service delivery.